Advantages of the Laser Shooting Range

Advantages of the laser shooting range
The "Laser Shooting Range" attraction has no consumables. The only ongoing costs are a small amount of electricity for the laptop and projector.
Operator control system! Your operator won't be able to steal money, as the integrated billing system with password access counts the played sessions in the games. (And you'll also be able to control the distribution of prizes so the operator doesn't take them).
Safe for players, bystanders and the operator, since there are no pellets.
You don't have to worry about damage or injuries!
(Even the safest pellets can be dangerous: пreal life examples).
You'll always be able to use the equipment for other purposes: karaoke, movies, presentations, photo shoots with weapons, holding shooting tournaments, etc.
Unlimited shots for players! During one game, a shooter will fire thousands of shots! At other shooting ranges, for the same money, you can only buy a few pellets!
Large screen!
Interactive games (ducks, wild boars, ghosts, terrorists, targets, etc.) with sound effects, as they are used to nowadays in the 21st century. Unlike the boring static targets or tin cans from the 90s.
Wear resistance.
Pellet-firing guns have natural wear and tear and require constant maintenance. (For example, the popular MP-512 pneumatic rifle used in Ukrainian shooting ranges has a service life of only 10,000 shots with proper care).
Flexible game settings!
You can adjust the session duration and various parameters that affect the difficulty of the game.
See also:

«Laser Shooting Range» Attraction
A classic entertainment business attraction that is installed in malls, parks, and on embankments.
Vacationers pay for each game session.

Business Plan
Example Calculation of the Profitability of the «Laser Shooting Range» Attraction for a Stationary Installation on a Promenade...

Mobile «Laser Shooting Range»
An attraction that is invited to private parties such as corporate events, birthdays, weddings.
Clients pay for the shooting range to come out.